Intelligent computer aided dispatch and automatic vehicle location system
An onboard CAD/AVL computer is critical for management of your public transport network
Our CAD/AVL is a specialist onboard computer that does more than just collect GPS information. It also acts as the Internet of Things (IOT) connectivity hub of the vehicle so you can connect all of your other systems and devices to it. This allows those systems to give real-time updates so you can manage your network more efficiently.
What you get
The CAD/AVL is compact in size, easily fitting into a lot of different locations within the already constricted vehicle environment. It is made to perform well and withstand the challenges of the high vibration and high heat vehicle surrounds.
You’ll get:
- Robust device built to the highest specifications
- Powerful computer capable of performing multiple functions without slowing down
- Scalable so when your needs change the device doesn’t need to